Friday, April 22, 2011

Random Video - Vampire Weekend

Here's another indie group that has found themselves featured in commercials for just about everything: Vamprire Weekend and their video for "Holiday":

Not sure why, but the imagery of men in clothing out of the 1700's riding around L.A. in Chevy Impala cracks me up.  Add in a bit of uncharacteristic partying, and for some reason I love this video!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Deal's Gap

Not much has happened with the car.  Nothing, in fact.  Put gas in and drove it--all the way to North Carolina!  Unfortunately, the weather was a little cold and it rained all Friday night, but I still had a good time!  I left the house at 6.30am and drove top down all the way with a stop in Lexington for breakfast with a friend I was doing a caravan with to get there.  I finally arrived at my cabin at Nantahala Village at 3.30pm, totally pooped!
I managed to get some driving done despite the rain.  Here is a shot of me on my way in, just up the hill from the Crossroads and the Motorcycle Resort.  I actually made the front page of, but was pretty far in the background (or in the front, depending on where you were standing):
Squint reeeeeeal hard and you'll see me heading around the bend!
I also went fishing with some of my friends while I was down there.  Admittedly, I've fished about twice in my life, so "rusty" was not the word!  However, after a couple hours, I managed to reel this one in:'s tiny, but at least I got to eat it!
I even got to fly my Solo Pro in the cabin!